aamra Click_fuNn DeAtH_foRecAst

January 03, 2006


wht should i say.......... or write....... u know i dont finda topic to write.... i dont understand ....... why should i post a blog............. whts the purpose??

some times before i have writen a blog about our aim.....one of frs said ....... we must have a aim to achieve our goal..... so then the qus comes......... wht is a goal.......why we need a goal........without it ....... wht may happen??.......

u may say that out goal shoul be earn money to live a cool life......... some may say ....... we should be serious to bea good human being..... or collect or gather knowledge.......

if u ask this qus to a katmolla he will ans our goal should be limited between us and our GOD......so gy's wht the goal really is??................

hmm i think we dont need a goal...... to earn something in our life...... a goal is needed when we want to use us for someone........something .......... that is... not for us....... for some one else............

u may not agree with me... but if u think closely i will understand ..... wht i am trying to say.......

nothing is real frs..... but ur work is....... so u should be careful to fix ur goal...... shouldn't u........????


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